
About My Chairs

People sometimes ask how I make wooden chairs that are so comfortable to sit in. The “secret” is that I hand-carve the seats much deeper than you might see in otherwise comparably styled chairs. This extra shaping supports the bottom in a natural way, leading to greater comfort.

I build chairs using a freshly felled tree. These trees are oak, hickory, ash, maple, and walnut obtained from a variety of local sources. The logs are split to size using wedges and a sledge to preserve the strength of the straight wood fibers that might be severed by using a saw.

My chairs are a labor of love that I hope will add beauty and function to your family environment for generations.


About Me

Fascination with wood and how it looks, feels and smells is an integral part of each day.

Producing a usable item with hand tools, seeing it come together, finished, polished, and enjoyed by others is a great joy. I enjoy the quietness of the shop, the daily task of keeping my tools sharp, sweeping the piles of shavings, the stack of ideas about the next chair build, and meeting amazing people at the Art Festivals. 

I rise early and slow, firing up the shop heat, communicating with clients by email, enjoying half a cup of coffee, then off to the park for a brisk walk. Then it’s time for real fun! Steady, consistent progress during each day is the formula that makes sense to me. 

After a good day’s work I like to relax and have dinner with my wife, and every Monday is “family night” with our children and grandchildren. My family often assists with the chairs by test-sitting and even giving me ideas for improvements!